Buy Volume I Foundations soft cover  book US$29.24 plus shipping, Lulu.
Buy Volume II Forms and Ideas soft cover book US$29.18 plus shipping, Lulu.
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Buy Di Guoyong on Xingyiquan soft cover book (select which) Plum Publications

These are big books with LOTS of photos. Chinese characters and pinyin pronunciation are given for all movement names.

Di Guoyong worked together with me on the translations, answering any questions, and working with me to take more photos where I felt they were needed. He receives royalties for all of the translation sales in all formats. He gave the the negatives to put directly into digital format, so I was able to work with crystal clear images, cleaning them up from his original (which had trees and buildings in the background). This set of books is definitely from a team that know each other well.

Volume I describes the theory, practice, and teaching methodology of the five element techniques and the twelve animals. Chapter 1: Background. Chapter 2: Post standing. Chapter 3: Split. Chapter 4: Drill. Chapter 5: Drive (crush). Chapter 6: Cannon (pound). Chapter 7: Crosscut. Chapter 8: Five techniques connected routine. Chapter 9: five element partner routines. Chapter 10: The twelve animals. Each technical chapter includes standard methods and variations, common mistakes and corrections, power generation, breathing methods, and practical applications. 

Volume II gives more detail than you have ever seen on the routines of Xingyiquan and how to perform them properly. Chapter 1: the eight postures routine, the twelve great hits routine, the xingyi composite routine, and the mixture of moves routine. Chapter 2: the eight skills and the eight skills routine. Chapter 3: partner routine anshenpao. Chapter 4: training power, teaching methodology (teaching progressions and teaching suggestions), discussion of the five elements, the six models of xingyi, and the three levels of skill. Appendices: Extensive glossary of Chinese terms, in English and Chinese order. Pinyin pronunciation.

Volume III gives more detail than you have ever seen on how to use Xingyi weapons. Chapter 1: xingyi sabre five element techniques and routine. Chapter 2: xingyi sword five elements techniques and routine. Chapter 3: xingyi spear five elements techniques and routine. Chapter 4: xingyi staff five element techniques and routine. Chapter 5: Teaching and training suggestions for weapons. Appendix: Glossary of weapons terms.

Comments on Di Guoyong’s Xingyi books and Andrea’s translation

“While I can not claim to literally ‘have seen them all’; over my 25 years of involvement with xingyiquan I can claim to have seen most of the books published in Chinese or in English on the art of xingyiquan. I just got through reading Andrea Falk’s new translation of Di Guoyong’s On Xingyiquan Volume One: five Element Foundation and I think it is an outstanding xingyi book. In fact if someone asked my advice for one book that would go further in helping their xingyi develop I would tell them to buy this one. There are lots of xingyi books out there. Some, such as Sun Lu Tang’s, are important from a historical standpoint, others such as Robert Smith’s are full of interesting stories but the majority of xingyi books are quite light on practical detail of how to practice xingyi. In contrast, Di Guoyong’s On Xingyiquan Volume One is full of practical, detailed information that you can use to improve your xingyi. It is kind of odd, given the fact that the 5 Element Fist (splitting, drilling, crushing, pounding, and crossing) are the ‘heart and soul’ of xingyi but most xingyi books give a fairly perfunctory discussion of them. Di Guoyong has devoted and entire volume to them and that is great news for all xingyi students.

This book stands out for a number of reasons. As I have just mentioned, one of the reasons is the details and practical suggestions the book contains, but along with this several other things really stood out in my mind. For example, the photos are clear and provide multiple angles on the postures. This is not a trivial point. A lot of xingyi books I have seen have photos that are little more than black dots resembling humans set against a slightly lighter black background or the photos are shot from weird angles causing the reader to have to guess what is going on. The photos in this book are free from those banes. One thing I have never seen in any xingyi book is photos shot over head looking down on the posture. This book has them and I thought they were extremely helpful.

This book also stands out for another reason; it discusses the importance of lively movement in xingyi. The book focuses on both proper static posture and on the dynamics of xingyi movement and this is an extremely important and often overlooked point. A lot of xingyi I have seen over the years ends up being a guy (or gal) in a great looking static posture, then kind of cumbersomely (and often fairly slowly) plodding on to the next posture. This approach ignores the fact that martial arts is about movement not use about ‘striking a pose’ (to steal a line from an old Madonna song). This book addresses in detail the dynamics of xingyi and that is a very valuable contribution.

Another thing that I thought was very special about this book was Di Guoyong’s practicality and honesty. Let me give you an example, on page 180 Di laoshi is talking about common mistakes and how a teacher should correct them. Specifically he is talking about the problem of ‘head bobbing’ (ie. the head rising up when moving forward). Now most xingyi books will simply state categorically, ‘thou head shall not come up or thee have committed a xingyi sin’, or something to that effect. But in the real world, at least among the human beings I have seen, everyone’s head bobs up a bit. Di Guoyong honestly and helpfully admits this practical reality. He says, ‘a certain rise and fall can not be avoided, but is should be limited to 5% of the person’s height’. I found that single comment so refreshing in that most books on xingyi just state a formalistic approach that down not reflect the real world of real practitioners. In contrast Di laoshi gives some practical advice to try and keep the head bobbing down to about 5%. That is advice I can sue. And it is advice like that that makes this book so outstanding.” Brian Kennedy, Taiwan, author of Chinese Martial Arts Training Manuals: A Historical Survey

“High praise to Andrea Falk for all her hard work translating these excellent books written by Master Di Guoyong. They are packed solid with information and practical advice on learning the entire system of xingyi from five fists through empty hand routines to weapons sets. They can be used on their own or together with the beautiful dvds of Master Di Guoyong with can be purchased very cheaply on eBay and other websites. The books detail how to make the techniques martially powerful and not just empty movements. I don’t know of any more complete teaching of xingyiquan available to the public, and I have been looking for a few years!” Rob F., England

“Andrea Falk’s translation of Di Guoyong’s Hebei Xing Yi Quan three volume set mark a milestone, not only for Xing Yi enthusiasts, but indeed for all serious practitioners of Internal Systems of Chinese martial arts. I have been fortunate, with Andrea’s help and assistance, to invite Di Guoyong to the States for instruction in Xing Yi at my school. Di Guoyong’s understanding of Xing Yi Quan is astounding and his teaching thorough, methodical and precise. Although he is a demanding teacher he works just as hard as any of the students; his enthusiasm, physical and mental vigor are contagious. Master Di is the embodiment of good health, vitality and strength that is the byproduct of his many years of dedication and training in Xing Yi Quan. Having experienced Di laoshi’s teaching first hand I can attest to the value of Andrea’s translations of these Xing Yi works for y own studies and for the training of my students. Even though Di Laosho typically visits my school twice a year, months go by before his return visit and this leaves a void in his teaching that is filled by the continued reference that I make to his work on Xing Yi Quan which Andrea Falk has so masterfully rendered into English. I highly recommend all three volumes to every serious practitioner of Xing Yi Quan and other Nei Jian arts as well as to anyone who is considering embarking of a study of this wonderful art.” Nick Scrima, Florida, 2008

“Di laoshi’s book is excellent and once again you have done a fabulous job with the translation work. Reading through the book is like having Di laoshi here personally teaching. I am sure that this work and the ones to follow will greatly help us absorb his ideas, principles and teaching concepts on Xing Yi. All our Xing Yi students have purchased copies of the book and everyone has found the book informative and easy to read.” Nick Scrima, Florida

“I enjoy [Di Guoyong on Xingyiquan, volume I] very much. I would say it is the best book and the most brilliant translation that I have read during the last 50 years. I would say that I do not think that a translator can go any closer to the mind of the author. I am sure Master Di Guoyong is very proud of having you to spread the knowledge to increase…. Bravo and my congratulations again. Thank Master Di when you contact him, he is a brilliant expert. After more than 50 years in martial arts (as an amateur) it is the first time I met a team like yours, your knowledge is impressive.” Pierre C., South Africa

“You’ve done it again! Another outstanding contribution to help those of us in the West who are trying to get to grips with the deeper aspects of Xing Yi. My copy [of volume I] arrived yesterday. I hope you won’t make us wait too long for the next two volumes! Your commitment to the undertaking is profoundly appreciated.” Keith A., England

“I’ve been waiting patiently (?). Already ordered a copy of volume II through your site. I know it will be a superb job before I even see it. Thanks again for the effort you put into these translations.” Keith A. England

“I received the books, and I am totally blown away with how in depth and detailed they are. I was just telling a training buddy lately that there were no real books on Xingyi in English, ones that explained the theory, and not just the forms. These books are great.” Jess C., USA

“This is Di GuoYong’s definitive package on Xing Yi. With a strong assist - by Andrea Falk in the editing and translation department - and a highly organized progression of subjects, Teacher Di has created a Xing Yi curriculum that, theoretically, could guide a person through all the salient steps of Xing Yi training. From standing practice (a number of methods) through foundational applications and power exercises, with multiple teaching approaches, and fine details on the animals and elements, Teachers Di and Falk offer a storehouse of information for those seeking skills of a special brand. Both teachers contribute more than just breakdown, but also personal experiences which deepen the learning process.” Plum Publications, CA, USA