There are more PDF files available at, as direct downloads. The best thing to do is to go there and do a search for Andrea Falk, then dig around. Most PDF files not listed here are free, but the secret one that isn’t is pretty inexpensive.


Di Guoyong’s Xingyi Video Series Companion

Buy Di Guoyong’s Video Series Companion PDF, direct download. (does not include videos) US$12

All the video material is available for free directly from Di Guoyong’s website or on YouTube. The DVDs have English subtitles, but my translations are more complete and correct. Purchase of the PDF translation does not include the videos themselves.. DVD1: Five Element Fists. DVD2: Xingyi broadsword five techniques and form. DVD3: Xingyi spear five techniques and form. DVD4: Xingyi Straight Sword five techniques and form. DVD5: Xingyi staff five techniques and form. DVD6: The Eight Skills. DVD7: Zashichui, mixture of moves form. DVD8: Bashi, The Eight Postures form, and Anshenpao, the Protect the Body partner form. DVD9: The Twelve Animals. DVD10: performances. The videos are excellent teaching materials, with all actions shown full speed and slow motion, with full and clear explanations. Master Di really wants people to be able to learn from the videos.  Each video is close to an hour, and most are more. These videos saved my sanity when I had sciatica in 2001, and I immediately decided to translate them, so contacted and met Di Guoyong right then (I was in Beijing). We took to each other immediately, and I kind of became his official translator from then on, as well as his student.

Comments from customers.

“Master Di Guoyong’s VCDs are excellent recourses for the thoughtful practitioner. His mastery is immediately evident and his energetic instruction is inspiring. His deliberate teaching method does more than unfurl the essentials of Xingyi; it shows you how to learn and then how to teach. Andrea Falk’s translation and clever presentation makes this the finest Xingyi tutorial series I’ve seen. Altogether fantastic! Thanks, Andrea.” James W., NC, USA

“I want to commend you for an excellent job in providing a very easily understood, descriptive translation of Master Di Guoyong’s Xingyi. Your attention to detail is most helpful in understanding the finer points of this art. I can see why you have said that this is one of the most comprehensive videos series on Xingyi! It is especially helpful to have Master Di’s instruction with the running time, name of the posture and any other pertinent information necessary to properly performing the routine to be found in the adjoining margin. This is an excellent piece of work. And you are to be commended for doing such an excellent job on what is obviously a difficult and time consuming project.” William J., CO, USA

“Having had a quick look at the [Di Guoyong Video] translation, I think you are a STAR!! It works as a book in its own right even without the VCDs. I say this in all sincerity because I spent an hour with the book before I could get to see a disc. I also see what you mean about Di Guoyong being a ‘pure teacher’. The VCDs and book together are amazing.” Keith A., England

Liu Jingru’s Bagua Video Series Companion

Buy Liu Jingru’s Video Series Companion PDF US$7.00, direct download. (does not include videos)

This is the authorized translation of a seven video set done by Liu Jingru on Cheng style Baguazhang. My translation includes the Chinese characters of the movement names and a glossary of terms. It translates word for word what Liu Jingru says. I met with Liu Jingru and have permission to publish the translation. I went over the translation with Kong Cheng, one of his top students, so the translation is definitely correct. Liu takes so much pleasure in showing every mistake you might make that a translation is almost obligatory. Liu Jingru received full advance royalties for the soft cover book print run. The PDF sales don’t make that much, so are not worth the trouble of royalties. The video series the SEVEN video set put out by Guangzhou Beauty, be careful, as there is at least one other set. Disc1: Mud wading steps and Eight Basic Palms. Disc2: Eight Great Palm Changes. Disc3: Swimming Body Linked Palms routine. Disc 4: Baguazhang partner routine. Disc5: Bagua Straight Sword. Disc6: Bagua Mandarin Duck Knives. Disc7: An assortment of Baguazhang Hand and Weapons Performances.

Comments on Liu Jingru’s videos and Andrea’ translation

“I wish to congratulate and thank you for the primo work you did for Liu’s bagua companion. Wonderfully executed!” Rich M., USA

“Thank you thank you thank you thank you for the Liu Jingru video companion book. Oh my God what a great resource. I have all of the VCDs and I knew his instruction was better than any other video series  I have seen, and I was watching the silk-reeling and figuring out based on my background in Chen tai chi, but man, this book is so valuable.” Ken G. IL, USA

Luo Jinhua’s Sha Guozheng’s (Jiang Rongqiao’s) Baguazhang video translation

Buy Luo Jinhua’s Video Companion PDF US$2.30, direct download.  (does not include video)

The video is of the same eight changes that are in Jiang Rongqiao’s Baguazhang book. Liu Jinhua is a student of Sha Guozheng, who learned from Jiang Rongqiao. The similarities and differences with the book are interesting. This is the best instructional video of the styles that I have seen. The translation is very exact, even the missteps and corrections, and the times are indicated so that you can follow the video. If you have the DVD, this translation would be useful, as the subtitles aren’t that great. The price of the PDF file does not include the video DVD. You should be able to source it online.

Coaching Wushu

Buy Coaching Wushu PDF US$15, direct download.

A 98 page, 8.5x11” PDF book, full of photos, diagrams, tables, and tons of information on coaching and training wushu. I have not updated it with new research findings or the new wushu routines, but I have done some reorganization and rewriting. Chapters on coaching children, health issues, biomechanics, and training theory and practice (including the energy systems, flexibility, and strength). This is a fixed up version of ‘the white book’. Fifty copes of the original Coaching Wushu were printed in 1990, and since then it has only been available as a pdf that was missing all the photos, images, tables, and information from the appendices. So many coaches and athletes told me that they used the book that I felt badly I had not done anything about it. I think this PDF is an improvement over the original.

A lot of the original book was in flagrant disregard of copyright law, since it was written as course work when I did my Masters degree. It was not intended to be published. There may still be some copyright issues. If anyone is upset by something, please let me know and I will take out the offending material.

Coaching Wushu Volume Two

Buy Coaching Wushu Volume Two PDF US$15, direct download.

The second volume is an Assessment of Wushu Taolu Events, Athletes, and Judging. A 118 page 8.5x11”. PDF file. It is a massively updated, rewritten, and upgraded version of a paper I wrote in 1990 towards my Masters degree. I have done two new chapters: analyses of the 2011 international compulsory routines, and analysis of judging. The intent of this book is to help the coach and athlete understand and examine exactly what they need to know and do to perform to their best ability. It gives them the tools to analyze any routines and decide for themselves how best to prepare. So although the routines examined are obsolete, the method of assessment is valid to any routine. Chapter1: Inventory of Wushu. Chapter2: Inventory and Assenssment of Wushu Taolu Events. Chapter3: Inventory and Assessment of 2011 International Compulsory Routines. Chapter 4: Assessment of Taolu Performance for Judges. Chapter 5: Assessment of the Wushu Taolu Athlete. Chapter 6: Understanding Your Athletes.