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Buy Yan Dehua’s Bagua Applications soft cover book from Plum Publications

I translated this book in 2000, and did more work on it in 2019, to include the full Chinese text. It is one of my favourite books, with the best illustrations ever seen in martial arts books. This book is a must in any lover of expressive movement, never mind its value as a reference. I have kept the exact format of the original because this is a jewel of a classic. The applications are clearly described and illustrated step by step, and the gentleman in black always wins. The best word for this book is simply brilliant.

Comments on Yan Dehua’s Bagua Applications and Andrea’s translation

“Having seen the sample method from the book you featured on the tgl website, I was initially intrigued by ‘Yan Dehua’s Bagua Applications’ book as a curio item. However, I have to say that after examining it I’ve rapidly come to appreciate the diverse martial tactics depicted in the master’s book. They provide much food for thought and the ‘energy and flow’ of the methods are graphically shown in the extraordinary illustrations accompanying the descriptions of the movements for the reader. Frankly, I can’t recall ever seeing a method book with drawings that are as evocative of movement as these are. I also appreciated your translation of the text. It’s really helpful to have the technique translation done by someone who is also an experienced martial artist. This is a little gem of a book.” Neil C. USA

“I just wanted to add my praise to all the allocates you have received for your excellent translation of Yan Dehua’s text. You have performed a great service to Bagua practitioners such as myself who do not read Chinese. It is a far, far better rendering than the Lee Ying Arng version I have had since the 1970s.” Russell S, USA

“One thing Iike very much also about [Yan Dehua’s bagua applications] is that you put the original Chinese characters next to the Pinyin transliteration plus the diacritics for the tones. … I have a dictionary, but it’s a lot more convenient when the pronunciations are already given in the text! …you’re more at home conveying the nuance of the original, e.g. ‘’thread one’s arm’ etc. … sounds much better than Crandall’s series.” Kohei S. Canada

“I’ve enjoying studying your translation of Yan Dehua’s book on baguazhang applications. While I’m not sure about the effectiveness of the applications themselves, I found your translation to be very clear. It was particularly helpful to have the Mandarin words for some of the specialized terms, like ‘’lifting energy’ and ‘sink the chest’. For effective learning and out of respect for these arts, I think serious students should learn some ‘martial Mandarin’. I’m looking forward to seeing your translation of Li Tianji’s ‘The Skill of Xingyiquan’. Tom C., WA, USA

“This has got to be the cutest book of martial applications ever complied. … this little book has many wonderful interpretations of bagua movement all beautifully illustrated. A very fun book.” Alfred W, USA

“Than you so much for making this great [Yan Dehua] book available! … I didn’t think anyone would finally endeavour to translate this awesome text into English. I feel very lucky to have chanced upon your website and to have found that you are offering this book.” Dennis M, USA

“Still one of our favourite Chinese martial arts books of all time. It would be hard to find more charming illustrations for a martial book. These figures resemble a knock down fight between the Katzenjammer kids. Wonderful half-fanciful applications of Bagua, this being the first book with Bagua applications ever published. A nice straightforward and clear translation from Andrea Falk with the appropriate Chinese characters for key concepts printed in Chinese and English.” Plum Publications, CA, USA